Think beyond biocompatibility
Biocompatible ADM for tissue reinforcement. Is it enough today?
More than biocompatible
The organism detects the silicone breast implant as a foreign body, increasing inflammation, seroma production and leading to capsular contracture. The bio-active collagen cover of Braxon® Fast minimises the foreign body reaction guiding the formation of a soft, thin and elastic capsule.
The remodelling process will integrate Braxon® Fast, hiding entirely the presence of the breast implant to the organism.
DECOmed the game changer
DECOmed’s membranes, manufactured through a modern and patented technology, are free of unwanted chemicals such as petroleum derivatives, polyurethanes, phthalates, metals, latex, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde or other cross-linking substances.
Adipofriendly ADM
DECOmed’s R&D tuned the deantigenation process to successfully preserve the native protein microenvironment.
Taking advantage of the specific features of the ADM (composition, mechanical properties, porosity, topography and architectural structure), we present the new standard for prepectoral procedures: the adipofriendly matrix.