Logo Braxon
Braxon Flat

ref. BRX06S

Braxon® Technical Specifications

Braxon® is a natural collagen suit that totally wraps around the breast implant.
So clothed the implant can be positioned in the prepectoral position. Unlike synthetic meshes, Braxon® biological mesh (ADM) hides the breast implant to the organism preventing the risk of capsular fibrosis.

  • Braxon® is made of a porcine dermal extracellular matrix with a nominal thickness of 0.6 mm.

  • The exclusive production process has been developed with the aim of generating a completely natural product (not crossed linked) without the presence of any chemical substance.

  • Its patented shape allows a perfect fit around the breast implant which creates a smooth surface with no graft over-lap after simple suturing to the muscle surface.

  • 5-6 minutes for hydration required.