Each technique listed in this document is for a different clinical situation and must be chosen by the surgeon and the patient. Where possible, over-the-muscle reconstruction has several advantages compared to traditional techniques. It allows the affected gland to be removed and the breast to be reconstructed in one surgery, placing the final implant where the mammary gland was located without losing muscle function and drastically reducing complications related to the detachment of the pectoralis major muscle.
With this technique:
Surgery will take much less time
You will feel less postoperative pain
You won’t have to take as many painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs
The aesthetic result is more natural and symmetrical
Only 18% of the cases requires symmetrising surgery
Your hospitalisation will be shorter
You will need less physical therapy or, in some case, none at all
You will have fewer risks of developing a contractile periprosthetic capsule over time
Your recovery will be faster and you will be able to resume your everyday and sports activities more quickly